This morning, after complaining that I had slept badly, the hubs basically told me my streak of starting each and every day with a negative comment was still intact. This kind of pissed me off but I think it is true. My shrink says I should try to use this blog to talk about at least one 'positive' (hence the title 'posi') thing every day.
So, what is positive about today other than the normal cliche things like life, health, family?
How about winter? I am actually enjoying winter this year. Having a dog that requires daily walks instead of just being held by the leash out the front door has made me go outside and actually experience all kinds of winter weather instead of looking at it through the windows and complaining about it.
One of the keys is having the right clothes. I used to be way more concerned with how I looked. Now I only care if I am warm. Down coat, deerstalker hat, weird boots - I have it all and I wear it all. And I manage to stay relatively warm and dry which is good since the worse the weather the further Buddy wants to go.
The other key is looking for beauty even if we walk the same route every day. Sometimes I bring my camera. Sometimes I wish I brought my camera. But I try to notice things. The other day it had been raining all day and when Buddy and I went out the sky was clearing in the southwest throwing a great orangey light on the hills to the east of my street. Sometimes on the evening walk, it's the stars and the moon and in the morning it is the sunrise.
Tomorrow will be a briefer post.